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The Eternity Code

Eoin Colfer

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am. They would be too scared.”

“If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, then I'd hide somewhere far away.”

“Listen to me, goblin. You're stupid, let's accept that and move on.”

“And one more thing. About my name — Artemis — you were right. In London, it is generally a female name, after the Greek goddess of archery. But every now and then a male comes along with such a talent for hunting that he earns the right to use the name. I am that male. Artemis the hunter. I hunted you.”

“A CD. How quaint. We have these in museums.”

“That was horrible. Horrible. That poor little guy." Pex was unrepentant. "Yeah, well, he asked for it. Calling us ... all those things." But---buried alive! That's like in that horror movie. Y'know -- the one with all the horror." I think I saw that one. With all the words going up on the screen at the end?" Yeah, that was it. Tell you the truth, those words kinda ruined it for me.”

“No, mademoiselle, I would not like to see the children's menu. I have no doubt that the children's menu itself tastes better than the meals on it. I would like to order à la carte. Or don't you serve fish to minors?”

“(about his terrible attempt at making a sandwich) It's more difficult than it looks. (Artemis Fowl)”

“Jon Spiro had not hired Pex and Chips for their debating sills. In the job interview, they had only been set one task. A hundred applicants were handed a walnut and asked to smash it however they could. Only two succeeded. Pex had shouted at the walnut for a few minutes, then flattened it between his giant palms. Chips had opted for a more controversial method. He placed the walnut on the table, grabbed is interviewer by the ponytail, and used the man's forehead to smash the nut. Both men were hired on the spot. They quickly established themselves as Arno Blunt's most reliable leiutenants for in-house work. They were not allowed outside Chicago, as this could involve map reading, something Pex and Chips were not very good at.”

“When the moment comes, will you take your chance to be a hero?”

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Book Keywords:

artemi, eoin-colfer, humor, cinema, stupid, accept, technology, stupidity, code, killers, artemis, fowl, eternity, horror-movies, artemis-fowl, holly-short, mysterious, goblin

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