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More Than This

Patrick Ness

Top 10 Best Quotes

“A book… it’s a world all on its own too. A world made of words, where you live for a while.”

“Know yourself and go in swinging.”

“Real life is only ever just real life. Messy. What it means depends on how you look at it. The only thing you’ve got to do is find a way to live there.”

“You said we all want there to be more than this! Well, there's always more than this. There's always something you don't know.”

“We have to lie to ourselves to live. Otherwise, we'd go crazy.”

“I wanted so badly for there to be more. I ached for there to be more than my crappy little life.' He shakes his head. 'And there was more. I just couldn't see it.”

“There's always beauty, if you know where to look.”

“People see stories everywhere...We take random events and we put them together in a pattern so we can comfort ourselves with a story, no matter how much it obviously isn't true...We have to lie to ourselves to live. Otherwise, we'd go crazy.”

“But,' he thinks, 'it's possible to die before you die.”

“He's seeing the actual Milky Way streaked across the sky. The whole of his entire galaxy, right there in front of him. Billions and billions of stars. Billions and billions of worlds. All of them, all of those seemingly endless possibilities, not fictional, but real, out there, existing, right now. There is so much more out there than just the world he knows, so much more than his tiny Washington town, so much more than even London. Or England. Or hell, for that matter. So much more that he'll never see. So much more that he'll never get to. So much that he can only glimpse enough of to know that it's forever beyond his reach.”

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Book Keywords:

space, reality, ness, outer-space, patrick-ness, existence, life, lie, more-than-this, sky, suicide, beauty

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