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Crocodile on the Sandbank

Elizabeth Peters

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I disapprove of matrimony as a matter of principle.... Why should any independent, intelligent female choose to subject herself to the whims and tyrannies of a husband? I assure you, I have yet to meet a man as sensible as myself! (Amelia Peabody)”

“Peculiar or not, it is my idea of pleasure. Why, why else do you lead this life you don't enjoy it? Don't talk of duty to me; you men always have some high-sounding excuse for indulging yourselves. You go gallivanting over the earth, climbing mountains, looking for the sources of the Nile; and expect women to sit dully at home embroidering. I embroider very badly. I think I would excavate rather well. ”

“There are too many people in the world as it is, but the supply of ancient manuscripts is severely limited.”

“Men are frail creatures, of course; one does not expect them to exhibit the steadfastness of women.”

“God help the poor mummy who encounters you, Peabody,” he said bitterly. “We ought to supply it with a pistol, to even the odds.”

“I have been accused of being somewhat abrupt in my actions and decisions, but I never act without thought; it is simply that I think more quickly and more intelligently than most people.”

“...Peabody had better retire to her bed; she is clearly in need of recuperative sleep, she has not made a sarcastic remark for fully ten minutes.”

“love has a most unfortunate effect on the brain,”

“my nature does not lend itself to the meekness required of a wife in our society. I could not endure a man who would let himself be ruled by me, and I would not endure a man who tried to rule me.”

“I hope I number patience among my virtues, but shilly-shallying, when nothing is to be gained by delay, is not a virtue.”

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Book Keywords:

mummy, humor, matrimony, sarcasm, husbands, sarcastic-humor, wife-humor, intelligence, amelia-peabody, marriage, feminism, women, intelligent

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