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Marie Lu

Top 10 Best Quotes

“And that’s when I realize that, at the end, we’d all wish for the same thing. Just a little more time.”

“Every problem has a solution. But after every solution, there's a new problem to tackle, some new challenge to take on. You don't stop after you solve one thing You keep going, you find a new way and a new path, try to do better and create better. tearing something down isn't the end; doing something great, or better, something right, is. Or maybe there isn't such a thing as an end goal at all. You accomplish something, and then you shift, ready to accomplish the next. You keep solving one problem after another until you change the world.”

“The mind can make you believe whatever it wants you to believe.”

“Everything became amazing; then, everything turned awful. Life is always like that - you don't know when you'll suddenly claw your way out of your circumstances, or when you'll go crashing back down into them.”

“When the world is murky, guide yourself with your own steady light.”

“Tearing something down isn't the end; doing something great, or better, something right, is.”

“That's the difference between the real and the virtual. Reality is where you can lose the ones you love. Reality is the place where you can feel the cracks in your heart.”

“Every problem has a solution. But after every solution, there's a new problem to tackle, some new challenge to take on.”

“Am I ever going to see you again?" Hideo asks him. In his voice is his lost self, the boy who grew up with a silver streak of grief in his hair. And that's when I realize that, at the end, we'd all wish for the same thing. Just a little more time.”

“In spite of everything I'd seen and all I knew about what was wrong with the NeuroLink-I'm sad without it. Hideo had created something that changed all of our lives, often for the better. It was a creation that had probably saved my life. And yet, here I am. Maybe I should feel like a hero. But I don't. It's always easier to destroy than create.”

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Book Keywords:

human, world, death, time, wilcard, wildcard, life, people, warcross, marie-lu, end

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