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Overcoming the Challenges of Life

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Every challenge you encounter in life is a fork in the road. You have the choice to choose which way to go - backward, forward, breakdown or breakthrough.”

“When something poses as obstacle to you,surmount it and use it as a miracle to move on to greater height.”

“Inbetween yesterday's regret and tomorrow's dream is today's opportunity. Seize the chance!”

“Growth is never an event, it's a process.”

“Eternity is the mentality for immortality. Make your mark; leave a positive legacy!”

“The time is now, the person is you; better your life and become a name to conjure with in this day and age.”

“For our society to be better, we must revive our conscience and do Godly things.”

“You are a special breed that has never been. You are the highest stratum of the society. You belong to a class that is beyond compare. You are full of superiority that gives especial worth which is meritoriously near the standard or model and eminently good of its kind. You are an expression of distinction, the perfection of superbness and effulgence of class. You are meant for the highest crown of success, created for affecting lives, configured for goodness, packaged to be set apart and set great store by, and ordained to be widely known and honored for greater achievement. You are a rare breed with divine and inherent ability to reign, rule, dominate and prosper in every way of life.”

“Wisdom is not taught, it is caught.”

“Every challenge is a chance to become a champion.”

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Book Keywords:

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