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Sorrow and Bliss

Meg Mason

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Everything is broken and messed up and completely fine. That is what life is. It's only the ratios that change. usually on their own.”

“Martha,” he said afterwards, lying next to me. “Everything is broken and messed up and completely fine. That is what life is. It’s only the ratios that change. Usually on their own. As soon as you think that’s it, it’s going to be like this forever, they change again.” That is what life was, and how it continued for three years after that. The ratios changing on their own, broken, completely fine, a holiday, a leaking pipe, new sheets, happy birthday, a technician between nine and three, a bird flew into the window, I want to die, please, I can’t breathe, I think it’s a lunch thing, I love you, I can’t do this anymore, both of us thinking it would be like that forever.”

“I'm the worst person in the world" "No, you're not." Patrick's hand came down in a fist and he hit the arm of the sofa. "You're not the best person in the world either, which is what you really think. You're the same as everybody else. But that's harder for you, isn't it. You'd rather be one or the other. The idea that you might be ordinary is unbearable.”

“I have been unbearable but I have never been unloved. I have felt alone but I have never been alone and I've been forgiven for the unforgiveable things I have done.”

“Nostalgia is the suffering cause by our unappeased earing to return' Whether or not, he said, the home we long for ever existed.”

“Normal people say, I can’t imagine feeling so bad I’d genuinely want to die. I do not try and explain that it isn’t that you want to die. It is that you know you are not supposed to be alive, feeling a tiredness that powders your bones, a tiredness with so much fear. The unnatural fact of living is something you must eventually fix.”

“Everything is broken and messed up and completely fine. That is what life is. It’s only the ratios that change. Usually on their own. As soon as you think that’s it, it’s going to be like this forever, they change again.”

“Ideally, Martha, you want to figure out the reason why you keep burning your own house down.”

“It is hard to look into someone's eyes. Even when you love them, it is difficult to sustain it, for the sense of being seen through.”

“I am not saying you haven't suffered, Martha. But I am saying, grow up. You're not the only one.”

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Book Keywords:

self-acceptance, love, forgiveness, realisation, loneliness, relationships, acceptance

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