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Stephen King

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You get used to marvelous things. You take them for granted. You can try not to, but you do. There’s too much wonder, that’s all. It’s everywhere.”

“As I said at the beginning, this is a horror story.”

“Tell you what, the worst part of growing up is how it shuts you up.”

“Looking back on it, I sometimes think my life was like a Dickens novel, only with swearing.”

“Smart people know a lot, and maybe that makes them think they know everything.”

“Sometimes God uses a broken tool.”

“Belief is a high hurdle to get over and I think it’s even higher for smart people. Smart people know a lot, and maybe that makes them think they know everything.”

“If we have free will, then you have to invite evil in.”

“I tell you what, there’s nothing like having a mother around when you’re thinking of scary shit.”

“There’s always a later, I know that now. At least until we die. Then I guess it’s all before that.”

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Book Keywords:

story, horror, later, hardcasecrime

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