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Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Create an Abundant Life
Janet Autherine
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Good food and good love are cultivated the same way - plant a seed in fertile soil, water it, care for it daily, protect it from negative elements and watch it rise up to nourish your body and soul.”
“When you understand your inner self — your passions, motivations, moral code and vulnerabilities, you don’t have to blow in the wind of someone else’s expectations; you can stand firm in your own truth.”
“Life can be unforgiving when distributing pain. When you hurt, help; the more you hurt, the more your help. Pain starts to die when love walks in.”
“Free Your Mind Be mindful of negativity Negative thoughts become obsessions Obsessions become deep emotions Emotions become painful Pain becomes cancerous to the body Free the mind from poison”
“Be authentically you. The world doesn’t revolve around you, but it depends on you. Be consistent. Be your best self. Show up every day like the sunrise, wearing your finest garment, and be ready to shine brightly in every life and every circumstance that you touch.”
“We don’t achieve every dream, but we achieve every dream that is aligned with our destiny. If you are standing on the deck watching your sailboat leave, trust that you were not meant for that journey.”
“We are nature. We are multi-layered. Explore each part of your being. Get to the core. Don't let anything or anyone stop you from being authentically you. Janet autherine”
“We are children of the world. Travel starts in our minds; we can visit all our “Irie” places and then command our feet to follow”
“Power through. If you lose your way, follow the footsteps in the sand. If you stumble, angels are ready to hold your hand. If you fall, God will carry you to your destination.”
“Live and love in perfect harmony with the universe. The universe is rarely emotional, but when it is joyful or tearful, the earth shakes.”
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