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Nayyirah Waheed

Top 10 Best Quotes

“the truth is you were born for you. you were wanted by you. you came for you. you are here for you. your existence is yours. yes.”

“grieve. so that you can be free to feel something else.”

“be easy. take your time. you are coming home. to yourself. — the becoming”

“and i heard her say, 'you are afraid of love. but love is not afraid of you.”

“the first time the caregiver saw it on the child. they said ‘no. don’t you dare. you will not grow up thinking you are unwanted. because your parents. chose themselves. over you. this will not be your story because it is not the truth. the truth. is your creation is not about them. you came through them, my love, they were your vessel. the truth. is you were born for you. you were wanted by you. you came for you. you are here for you. your existence is yours. yes. you will want them. (and on odd and warm nights they will think of you and hold themselves tighter.) but. what you do not get. from them. does not make you less. does not make you unwanted. (trust that all you did not receive. all you need. will come to you. in time. the universe is infinite.’) — a love poem”

“all the women. in me. are tired.”

“i will always be a translation.”

“as you are.’ says the universe. ‘after…’ you answer. ‘as you are.’ says the universe. ‘before…’ you answer. ‘as you are.’ says the universe. ‘when…’ you answer. ‘as you are.’ says the universe. ‘how…’ you answer. ‘as you are.’ says the universe. ‘why…’ you answer. ‘because you are happening now. right now. right at this moment and your happening is beautiful. the thing that both keeps me alive and brings me to my knees. you don’t even know how breathtaking you are. as you are.’ says the universe through tears. — as you are | you are the prayer”

“Some words. The way they look at you...”

“the cure for apathy is memory.”

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