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Rainbow Rowell

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I don’t trust anybody. Not anybody. And the more that I care about someone, the more sure I am they’re going to get tired of me and take off.”

“In new situations, all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you. (And the ones you can't Google.)”

“To really be a nerd, she'd decided, you had to prefer fictional worlds to the real one.”

“Just... isn't giving up allowed sometimes? Isn't it okay to say, ‘This really hurts, so I’m going to stop trying’?” “It sets a dangerous precedent.” “For avoiding pain?” “For avoiding life.”

“You’ve read the books?” “I’ve seen the movies.” Cath rolled her eyes so hard, it hurt. (Actually.) (Maybe because she was still on the edge of tears. On the edge, period.) “So you haven’t read the books.” “I’m not really a book person.” “That might be the most idiotic thing you’ve ever said to me”

“Underneath this veneer of slightly crazy and mildly socially retarded, I'm a complete disaster.”

“Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy,” Wren said. “It’s the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for.”

“Real life was something happening in her peripheral vision.”

“I choose you over everyone.”

“I miss you." "That's stupid," she said. "I saw you this morning." "It's not the time," Levi said, and she could hear that he was smiling." It's the distance.”

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Book Keywords:

trust, friendship, reality, reading, happiness, nerd, fear, love, happy-endings, booklovers, tired

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