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R.J. Palacio

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives.”

“Kinder than is necessary. Because it's not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed.”

“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”

“Now that I look back, I don't know why I was so stressed about it all this time. Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing.”

“The things we do outlast our mortality. The things we do are like monuments that people build to honor heroes after they've died. They're like the pyramids that the Egyptians built to honor the pharaohs. Only instead of being made of stone, they're made out of the memories people have of you.”

“If every person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God.”

“Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams”

“It’s not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend.”

“The best way to measure how much you've grown isn't by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average-- though those things are important, to be sure. It's what you've done with your time, how you've chosen to spend your days, and whom you've touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.”

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. - Dr Wayne W. Dyer”

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Book Keywords:

humanity, kindness, compassion, inspiration, memories, friendship, courage, character, deeds, dreams, inspirational, honor

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