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Heist Society

Ally Carter

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It is an occupational hazard that anyone who has spent her life learning how to lie eventually becomes bad at telling the truth.”

“And I didn't choose it, Kat. I chose you.”

“I'm the guy who happened to be home the night Kat came to steal a Monet."- Hale”

“Sometimes it takes an outsider, someone with fresh eyes to see the truth.”

“Dancing. Come on. You can do it. It's a lot like navigating through a laser grid. It requires rhythm.' He moved her hips to the beat of the distant music. 'And patience.' He spun her around slowly and back toward him. 'And it's only fun if you trust your partner.' The dip was so slow, so smooth that Kat didn't know it was happening until the world was already turned upside down and Hale's face was inches from her own. Count me in, Kat.' He squeezed her tighter. 'You should always count me in.”

“Can I see you outside for a second?" Kat glared at Hale, then walked to the patio doors and out onto the veranda. As Hale closed the door behind him, Kat heard Angus say, "Ooh, Mom and Dad are going to fight now.”

“Thanks to you, Gabs, we just figured out a half dozen ways not to rob the Henley.”

“Pretend and it will be true.”

“So far Kat has been through all the Wa's she could think of, but Hale hadn't admitted to being Walter or Ward or Washington. He'd firmly denied both Warren and Waverly. Watson had prompted him to do a very bad Sherlock Holmes impersonation throughout a good portion of a train ride to Edinburgh, Scotland. And Wayne seemed so wrong she hadn't even tried. Hale was Hale. And not knowing what the W's stood for had become a constant reminder to Kat that, in life, there are some things that can be given but never stolen. Of course, that didn't stop her from trying.”

“Of course, the downside of attending a fictional school is that our lacrosse team sucks.”

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Book Keywords:

humor, happiness, lies, love, ally-carter, truth, heist-society, romance, hale, thievery, confession

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