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Letters of John Keats
John Keats
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Do you not see how necessary a world of pains and troubles is to school an intelligence and make it a soul?”
“O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts!”
“I must choose between despair and Energy──I choose the latter.”
“The world is too brutal for me—I am glad there is such a thing as the grave—I am sure I shall never have any rest till I get there.”
“If I am destined to be happy with you here—how short is the longest Life—I wish to believe in immortality—I wish to live with you for ever.”
“Ah! dearest love, sweet home of all my fears, and hopes, and joys, and panting miseries, Tonight if I may guess, thy beauty wears a smile of such delight, As brilliant and as bright As when with ravished, aching, nassal eyes, Lost in a soft amaze I gaze, I gaze”
“For axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our pulses.”
“You are always new. The last of your kisses was ever the sweetest.”
“I was too much in solitude, and consequently was obliged to be in continual burning of thought, as an only resource.”
“I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your loveliness and the hour of my death.”
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Book Keywords:
suffering, real-life, death, wisdom, happiness, love, pain, peace, life, rest, choice, philosophy, despair, thought, growth, depression, energy, art, solitude