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Shadow and Bone

Leigh Bardugo

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The Darkling slumped back in his chair. “Fine,” he said with a weary shrug. “Make me your villain.”

“I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I'd catch myself just walking around to find you, not for any reason, just out of habit, because I'd seen something that I wanted to tell you about or because I wanted to hear your voice. And then I'd realize that you weren't there anymore, and every time, every single time, it was like having the wind knocked out of me. I've risked my life for you. I've walked half the length of Ravka for you, and I'd do it again and again and again just to be with you, just to starve with you and freeze with you and hear you complain about hard cheese every day. So don't tell me why we don't belong together," he said fiercely.”

“The problem with wanting," he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, "is that it makes us weak.”

“I don't care if you danced naked on the roof of the Little Palace with him. I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him.”

“I've been waiting for you a long time, Alina" He said. "You and I are going to change the world.”

“And there's nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk.”

“I'm sorry it took me so long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.”

“I'm not like you, Mal. I never really fit in the way you did. I never really belonged anywhere." "You belonged with me.”

“Mal,” I whispered into the night. “What?” “Thanks for finding me.” I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming, but somewhere in the dark, I thought I heard him whisper, “Always.”

“The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that I would have waited for him forever.”

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Book Keywords:

malyen-oretsev, love, alina, alina-starkov, darkling, baghra, mal, the-darkling

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