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The Nightingale

Kristin Hannah

Top 10 Best Quotes

“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: in love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.”

“Men tell stories. Women get on with it. For us it was a shadow war. There were no parades for us when it was over, no medals or mentions in history books. We did what we had to during the war, and when it was over, we picked up the pieces and started our lives over.”

“But love has to be stronger than hate, or there is no future for us.”

“Wounds heal. Love lasts. We remain.”

“I always thought it was what I wanted: to be loved and admired. Now I think perhaps I'd like to be known.”

“Some stories don’t have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories.”

“Love. It was the beginning and end of everything, the foundation and the ceiling and the air in between.”

“Perhaps that’s why I find myself looking backward. The past has a clarity I can no longer see in the present.”

“I know that grief, like regret, settles into our DNA and remains forever a part of us.”

“Today’s young people want to know everything about everyone. They think talking about a problem will solve it. I come from a quieter generation. We understand the value of forgetting, the lure of reinvention.”

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Book Keywords:

love-quotes, discovery-of-oneself, discovery, love, self-discovery, war

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