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Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception

Maggie Stiefvater

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You're like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again.”

“When did you get so smart?" He tapped his forehead. "Brain transplant. They put in a whale's. I'm passing all my classes with my eyes closed now, but I just can't get over this craving for krill." He shrugged. "And I feel sorry for the whale that got my brain. Probably swimming around Florida now trying to catch glimpses of girls in bikinis.”

“...He kissed me again, farther up my neck, and I pushed him back against the wall. My mind searched for the logical thought, a rational life raft before I drowned in wanting to hiss him. I managed, "We've only met a few days ago. We don't know each other." Luke released me. "How long does it take to know someone?" I didn't know. "A month? A few months?" It sounded stupid to quantify it, especially when I didn't want to believe my own reasoning. But I couldn't just go kissing someone I knew nothing about-- it went against everything I'd ever been told. So why was it so hard to say no? He took my fingers, playing with them in between his own. "I'll wait." He looked so good in the half-light under the trees, his light eyes nearly glowing against his shadowed skin. It was useless. "I don't want you to." I whispered the words, and before I'd even finished saying them, his mouth was on mine and I was melting under his lips.”

“Here is another secret: I have no business being fascinated by you.”

“Luke', I said, and immediately added, 'My boyfriend.' My supernatural, doomed, gorgeous, killer boyfriend.”

“Don't tell me that. I've lived in hell for the past thousand years. I spent a thousand years wishing I'd never been born. She's the only thing that's made my life worth living and if that's all I get, a few months with her- a few days, it's more than I've ever hoped for. Do you really think God would forgive me for the blood on my hands, even if my soul was free? I'm going to hell no matter what happens. Let me have my pathetic hopeless love while I can. Just- let me pretend it will turn out alright.”

“I once again fought against the desire to bitch-slap a faerie”

“I didn't want normal until I didn't have it anymore”

“that's because it's from the night, and the night keeps secrets”

“Wow, you're never allowed to sleep late again. You're crankier than a fat guy in stilettos.”

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Book Keywords:

completion, sad, humor, luke-dillon, recognition, love, humour, deirdre, lament, music, night, teen-fantasy, dee, james, romance, maggie-stiefvater, beautiful, normal

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