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S.C. Stephens

Top 10 Best Quotes

“What if I don’t choose you, Kellan? What will you do?” He looked away, a tear rolling down his cheek. “I’ll leave, Kiera. I’ll leave, and you and Denny can have your happily ever after.” He looked back at me. “You wouldn’t even need to tell him about me. Eventually, the two of you…” his voice broke and another tear fell on his cheek, “the two of you would get married, and have children, and have a great life.” I fought back a sob. “And you? What happens to you in that scenario?” “I…get by. And I miss you, every day,” he whispered.”

“I think in the end, you would have stayed with me, out of obligation...or maybe comfort. Maybe I was safe to you, and you needed to feel that. I know how scared you get of the unknown. To you...I must be kind of a security blanket. Do you see now, how that doesn't work for me? I don't want to be there, simply because the idea of me being gone is too...scary. I want to be someone's everything. I want fire and passion, and love that's returned, equally. I want to be someone's heart... Even if it means breaking my own.”

“Dude, he's Australian...not a pirate.”

“If I'm yours and you're mine...then I will take you, wherever and whenever I can.”

“Do you really think anyone in this world, compares to you in my eyes?”

“He said I was his heart, and you don’t leave your heart behind. You can’t live without your heart.”

“I want to be someone's everything. I want fire and passion, and love that's returned, equally. I want to be someone's heart.”

“I don't know how to let you back in." My heart beat spiked and I closed my eyes when he whispered," I don't know how to keep you out either.”

“He spoke rapidly in-between his tender kisses. "I love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The women...I was so scared to touch you. You didn't want me...I couldn't take the pain. I tried to get over you. Every time with them, I was with you. I'm so sorry...I love you.”

“No time spent with you is wasted.”

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Book Keywords:

thoughtless, denny-harris, love, kellan-kyle, hurt, betrayal

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