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The Mill on the Floss

George Eliot

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in it, if it were not the earth where the same flowers come up again every spring that we used to gather with our tiny fingers as we sat lisping to ourselves on the grass, the same hips and haws on the autumn hedgerows, the same redbreasts that we used to call ‘God’s birds’ because they did no harm to the precious crops. What novelty is worth that sweet monotony where everything is known and loved because it is known?”

“Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music.”

“I am not imposed upon by fine words; I can see what actions mean.”

“Don't judge a book by its cover”

“I desire no future that will break the ties of the past.”

“Poetry and art and knowledge are sacred and pure.”

“No anguish I have had to bear on your account has been too heavy a price to pay for the new life into which I have entered in loving you.”

“Those bitter sorrows of childhood!-- when sorrow is all new and strange, when hope has not yet got wings to fly beyond the days and weeks, and the space from summer to summer seems measureless.”

“Jealousy is never satisfied with anything short of an omniscience that would detect the subtlest fold of the heart.”

“Her future, she thought, was likely to be worse than her past, for after her years of contented renunciation, she had slipped back into desire and longing; she found joyless days of distasteful occupation harder and harder; she found the image of the intense and varied life she yearned for, and despaired of, becoming more and more importunate.”

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Book Keywords:

actions, words, soul, book, art, jealousy, past, cover, pain, future, nature, knowledge, life, music, poetry, mystery, power-of-music, childhood, love, judge, jealous

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