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Can You Keep a Secret?

Sophie Kinsella

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Relationships are all about trust and equality. If one person shares, then the other person should share, too.”

“The truth is, some relationships are supposed to last forever, and some are only supposed to last a few days. That’s the way life is.”

“A real relationship is two-way.”

“If you can't be honest with your friends and colleagues and loved ones, then what is life all about?”

“It’s the way he had a cup of tea waiting for me when I woke up. It’s the way he turned on his laptop especially for me to look up all my Internet horoscopes and helped me choose the best one. He knows all the crappy, embarrassing bits about me that I normally try to hide from any man for as long as possible… and he loves me anyway.”

“I've always had this deep-down conviction that I'm not like everybody else, and there's an amazingly exciting new life waiting for me just around the corner.”

“Relationships are a battle. They are a chess game. And what did I do? I just threw all my chess pieces down on the board at once, and said, "Here! Have them all!”

“I hurl the glass teapot to the ground. we both stare at it, stunned. "it was supposed to break," I explain after a pause, " and that was going to signify that yes, I would throw something away . If I knew it wasn't right for me.”

“Emma, I'm sorry, I can't help you. This is a disaster. You're completely vulnerable. It's like going into battle in a nightie.”

“Carried away. He got a little carried away. This is like saying Hitler was a tad aggressive.”

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Book Keywords:

humor, friendship, love, romance, inspirational

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