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Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Ally Carter

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Most little girls in England grow up wanting to marry a prince. Bex grew up wanting to kick James Bond's butt and assume his double-0 ranking.”

“You really saw some?" Liz said an hour later. Sure, we had the stereo blaring and the shower running, but Liz still whispered, "They really...exist?" "Liz," I whispered back, "they're not unicorns." "No," Bex said flatly, "they're boys. And they're...good.”

“So I hear we get to go to town this weekend. Want to catch a movie or something? --Z P.S. That is, if Jimmy doesn't mind. Translation: This weekend might be a good chance for us to see each other outside our school in a social environment, free of competetiton. I do not view other boys as threats, and I enjoy making them seem insignificant by calling them the wrong names. (Translation by Macey McHenry)”

“Oh, and Cammie," At the sounds of his voice, I spun around, expecting to hear him crack a joke or call me Gallagher Girl. The last thing I expected was to feel his arms sliding arounds me, to sense the whole world turning upside down as Zach dipped me in the middle of the foyer and pressed his lips to mine. Then he smiled that smile I'd come to know. "I always finish what I start.”

“Did you hear that? I'm special.”

“you're the gallagher girl. figure it out."- zach”

“A Gallagher Girl's real grades don’t come in pass or fail—they're measured in life or death.”

“Just so you know Gallagher Girl,' he whispered softly, 'I'm going to kiss you now.”

“You don't need a search warrant to go through someone's trash. Seriously. Once it hits the curb it is totally fair game-you an look it up.”

“I always finish what i start”

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Book Keywords:

series, humor, zach-goode, zach, ally-carter, aspirations, humour, gallgher-girls, laugh-out-loud, cammie, gallager-girls-humor, teens, spy

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