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Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee's Wisdom for Daily Living

Bruce Lee

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.”

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”

“The meaning of life is that it is to be lived, and it is not to be traded and conceptualized and squeezed into a patter of systems.”

“It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

“You cannot force the Now. — But can you neither condemn nor justify and yet be extraordinarily alive as you walk on? You can never invite the wind, but you must leave the window open.”

“The world is full of people who are determined to be somebody or to give trouble. They want to get ahead, to stand out. Such ambition has no use for a gung fu man, who rejects all forms of self-assertiveness and competition”

“Satori - in the awakening from a dream. Awakening and self-realization and seeing into one's own being - these are synonymous.”

“The disease of philosophy. - Philosophy is itself the disease for which it pretends to be the cure: the wise man does not pursue wisdom but lives his life, and therein precisely does his wisdom lie.”

“To free one’s self from preconceived notions, prejudices, and conditioned responses is essential to understanding truth and reality.”

“It is futile to argue as to which single leaf, which design of branch, or which attractive flower you like; when you understand the root, you understand all its blossoming.”

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Book Keywords:

enlightenment, bruce-lee, spirituality, origin, fear, knowing, truth, appearances, motivational, understanding, inspirational, root, self-realization, awakening

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