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The Tenth Circle

Jodi Picoult

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You couldn't have strength without weakness, you couldn't have light without dark, you couldn't have love without loss”

“Change is a funny thing. We never are quite sure what we are becoming or even why. Then one day we look at ourselves and wonder who we are and how we got that way. Only one thing about change remains is always painful”

“What if love wasn't the act of finding what you were missing but the give-and-take that made you both match?”

“As it turned out, hell wasn't watching the people you love get hurt; it was coming in during the second act, when it was already too late to stop it from happening.”

“All teenagers knew this was true. The process of growing up was nothing more than figuring out what doors hadn't yet been slammed in your face. For years, parents tell you that you can be anything, have anything, do anything. That was why she'd been so eager to grow up-until she got to adolescence and hit a big fat wall ofreality. As it turned out, she couldn't have anything she wanted. You didn't get to be pretty or smart or popular just because you wanted it. You didn't control your own destiny, you were too busy trying to fit in.”

“What was the point of being able to forgive, when deep down, you both had to admit you'd never forget?”

“Relationships always sounded so physically painful: you fell in love, you broke a heart, you lost your head. Was it any wonder that people came through the experience with battle scars?”

“Superheroes were born in the minds of people desperate to be rescued.”

“It was possible that a miracle was not something that happened to you, but rather something that didn’t. ”

“You signed no contract to become a parent, but the responsibilities were written in invisible ink. There was a point when you had to support your child, even if no one else would. It was your job to rebuild the bridge, even if your child was the one who burned it in the first place. ”

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Book Keywords:

miracles, superheroes, love, contrast, forgiveness, forgetting, opposites

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