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Ella Enchanted

Gail Carson Levine

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I wished she’d never stop squeezing me. I wished I could spend the rest of my life as a child, being slightly crushed by someone who loved me.”

“It is helpful to know the proper way to behave, so one can decide whether or not to be proper.”

“Do you like to slide?" His voice was eager. Stair rails! Did he suspect me? I forced a sigh. "No, Majesty. I'm terrified of heights." "Oh." His polite tone had returned. "I wish I could enjoy it. This fear of heights is an affliction." He nodded, a show of sympathy but not much interest. I was losing him. "Especially," I added, "as I've grown taller.”

“That's funny, you're funny. I like you, I'm quite taken by you.”

“And so, with laughter and love, we lived happily ever after.”

“Hush Hattie!" I said, intoxicated with my success. "I don't want to go to my room. Everyone must know I shan't marry the prince." I ran to the door to our street, opened it, and called out into the night, "I shan't marry the prince." I turned back into the hall and ran to Char and threw my arms about his neck. "I shan't marry you." I kissed his cheek. He was safe from me.”

“I want to be with you forever and beyond...”

“I trust you to find the good in me, but the bad I must be sure you don't overlook.”

“If I couldn't sleep, I could read.”

“That fool of a fairy Lucinda did not intend to lay a curse on me. She meant to bestow a gift. When I cried inconsolably through my first hour of life, my tears were her inspiration. Shaking her head sympathetically at Mother, the fairy touched my nose. "My gift is obedience. Ella will always be obedient. Now stop crying, child." I stopped.”

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Book Keywords:

humor, hugging, reading, love, embrace, books, romance, sleep, wit

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