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Our Dark Duet

Victoria Schwab

Top 10 Best Quotes

“People were messy. They were defined not only by what they'd done, but by what they would have done, under different circumstances, molded as much by their regrets as their actions, choices they stood by and those they wished they could undo. Of course, there was no going back - time only moved forward - but people could change. For worse. And for better. It wasn't easy. The world was complicated. Life was hard. And so often, living hurt. So make it worth the pain.”

“There were two kinds of monsters, the kind that hunted the streets and the kind that lived in your head. She could fight the first, but the second was more dangerous. It was always, always, always a step ahead.”

“I know it hurts," she said. "So make it worth the pain.”

“Mourning was its own kind of music—the sound of so many hearts, of so many breaths, of so many standing together.”

“I didn't stop fighting," he said, the words so low he worried Kate wouldn't hear them, but she did. "I just got tired of losing. It's easier this way." "Of course it's easier," said Kate. "that doesn't mean it's right.”

“I’m willing to walk in darkness if it keeps humans in the light.”

“I spent a long time playing that game,” she said. “Pretending there were other versions of this world, where other versions of me got to live, and be happy, even if I didn’t, and you know what? It’s lonely as hell. Maybe there are other versions, other lives, but this one’s ours. It’s all we’ve got.”

“August stared at her, aghast. "Did I know that kissing you would bring your soul to surface? That - THAT - would have the same effect as pain or music? No, I must have missed that lesson." She stared at him, agape. "August, was that sarcasm?”

“Do you ever wonder why music brings a soul to surface? What makes beauty work as well as pain?”

“There was a strange place, between knowing and not knowing. A place where things could live in the back of your head without weighing down your heart.”

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Book Keywords:

august, monsters, soro-flynn, kate, sacrifice, sarcasm, mourning, pain, going-forward, life, music, monsters-of-verity, kate-harker, august-flynn

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