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Anna Godbersen

Top 10 Best Quotes

“He was a mystery to her, and every time she tried to solve him it caused her a little more pain. But when she tired to give him up he pursued her in her thoughts, stronger each time.”

“To look in the face of hard things and keep moving forward - that's what one has to do.”

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that there will always be a gentleman to dance with, except at just the moment when you require one most.”

“A young lady's most natural ally is her sister although sometimes our own relatives are as inscrutable to us as an antipodean.”

“The world is such a marvel-it gave you trials, but if you were still and concentrated, if you tried to do the right thing, it always provided you with salvation.”

“She was like a heroine in a novel that she herself was writing the character kept protesting that she was too strong for love and yet the narrator went on describing her desire.”

“A young woman, newly wed, may find herself in the delightful position of wanting to do nothing without the company of her darling husband. She may indeed discover that she spends all her waking hours with her fellow to the exclusion of every other friend or family member. This is understandable, but wholly unacceptable, to society.”

“There was plenty of life left and if he had to he would use it all to get her back. The time had passed for making promises to her-all that was left for him was to act.”

“She was full of some strange energy that morning. Her every movement had purpose and life and she seemed to find satisfaction in every little thing.”

“She was trying to sound tough and impatient, but she knew that vulnerable desire to be wooed was still brimming in her tone.”

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Book Keywords:

promises, envy, right-thing, relatives, desire, honeymoon, pain, paraphrased, lovely, romance, marriage, satisfaction, difficulties, running, salvation, life, gentlemen, heroine, universal-truths, infatuation, dance, world, men, sisters, love, wooing, energy

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