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Full Dark, No Stars

Stephen King

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I believe most people are essentially good. I know that I am. It's you I'm not entirely sure of.”

“When it came to the dark fuckery of the human heart, there seemed to be no limit.”

“He supposed that even in Hell, people got an occasional sip of water, if only so they could appreciate the full horror of unrequited thirst when it set in again.”

“Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box, and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people, unfortunately, get snake-eyes. Its just how the world is.”

“We never cease wanting what we want, whether it's good for us or not.”

“All right I think we've been down here in the dark long enough. There's a whole other world upstairs. Take my hand, Constant Reader, and I'll be happy to lead you back into the sunshine. I'm happy to go there because I believe most people are essentially good. I know that I am. It's you I'm not entirely sure of.”

“Sometimes the only thing to do is to take the thing that you must have. Even if someone gets hurt.”

“In the end we are all caught in devices of our own making. I believe that. In the end we are all caught.”

“If you're going into a very dark place, then you should take a bright light, and shine it on everything. If you don't want to see, why in God's name would you dare the dark at all?”

“They say that loving eyes can never see, but that's a fool's axiom. Sometimes, they see too much”

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Book Keywords:

full-dark-no-stars, thirst, light, hell, fair, efforts, learning, bravery, dark, roll, life, funny, getting-what-you-want, horror, hurt, sevens, stephen-king, dice, good-and-evil

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