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Sweet Peril

Wendy Higgins

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I love you,” I whispered. “I've loved you longer,” he said.”

“Ready to s-snuggle?” he asked Kaidan, a slight clatter in his voice. Only Blake could joke on a night like this and get away with it. Kaidan shook his head and undressed down to his boxers, too, the tension finally shedding away from his frame. “I swear, mate. If I feel something poke me in the back. . .” Blake's laugh was dry. “I'm pretty sure my junk froze off, man, so don't worry.”

“I was more myself with you during those three days than I’ve ever been with anyone in my life. It’d be easier if I could be fake with you, but you bring out everything in me, little Ann. All of it.”

“Spend the night with me.” (...) “I’m tired of living like I’m not alive.” He dropped his hands from my face to grip my shoulders. “I’m bloody sick to death of it. I want one night to be alive. With you.” He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead on mine. “Please, Anna. One last night and we’ll go back to being safe again. I need this. I need you.”

“I tried to warn you, But girls never listen. Got your innocence insured? ’Cause it’s ’bout to be stolen Right out from under your nose. Prepare to curl your toes. I’ve got a one-track mind. You’ve got a nice behind. Chorus: I had a good thing goin’ All numb in my shell, Then you took me by surprise And now I’m scared as hell. I don’t wanna feel for you, I don’t wanna feel. If feeling means hurting, Then I don’t wanna be real. You crank up my lust, girl, You tame down my rage. You let your inner vixen Roam out of her cage. The moment our lips met I saw it in your eyes, But you were seeing me, too, I now realize. Chorus What do I want from you? I want everything. And I’m not gonna share— This ain’t a casual fling. You can be my bad girl, I’ll even be your good boy. How’d the tables get turned? F*** it, I’ll be your love toy.”

“My girlfriend is a party girl angel who can kick some arse and cook.”

“Girl, all you have to do is say the word, and Mr. Lusty McLust a Lot here will be happy to whisper some dirty nothings in your ear.”

“Anna... the night of the summit, when you were saved, it was the only time in my life I've thanked God for anything” Those words. They would melt me over and over for a long time.”

“He was my drummer. My guy. Mine. I bit my lip to hold back a grin.”

“Supposedly Kaidan’s having a difficult time ’cause he can’t say swear words in every sentence,” Marna said with a smile. “He’s determined to find signs for cursing or make some up himself.”

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Book Keywords:

anna, kaidan-rowe, kaidan-blake, humor, joyfulness, kai, major-crushing, kaidan, sweet-peril, love, sweet-evil, wendy-higgins, eye-candy, kaiden-anna, crushing-on, anna-whitt, swooning, blake

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