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Courtney Milan

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I’ll be your friend in daylight. I’ll treat you as a comrade in every gas-lit ballroom. But alone, under moonlight, I’ll not pretend that I want you for anything but mine.”

“Maybe that’s what I have been looking for. When storms and rockslides threaten, I am looking for someone who will hold on to me and not let go.”

“Over the years, everyone stumbles. That's why I'll be here for you — and you'll be there for me. I don't expect perfection. I want you, and you're a thousand times better.”

“What you did when you were young could kill you. It just might take years to do it.”

“My entire notion of friendship altered when I depended on someone for more than just the pleasant passing of time.”

“If it must be done, it's best done bravely.”

“He was nothing but a deep abyss of want, and only she could fill him.”

“This is why people are so hard to understand. I cannot even estimate their gravitational pull.”

“If people did not fear me so, how could anyone tolerate me?”

“The Bible got it wrong when it intimated that the valley contained the shadow of death. Death dwells in the high places.”

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Book Keywords:

moonlight, devotion, rockslide, hold-on, gravitational-pull, kill, young, unlocked, love, bravery, courtney-milan, fear, tolerate, romance, people, consequences, never-let-go

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