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Honey and Salt

Carl Sandburg

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Come clean with a child heart Laugh as peaches in the summer wind Let rain on a house roof be a song Let the writing on your face be a smell of apple orchards on late June.”

“Read the dictionary from A to Izzard today. Get a vocabulary. Brush up on your diction. See whether wisdom is just a lot of language.”

“One Parting Why did he write to her, "I can't live without you"? And why did she write to him, "I can't live without you"? For he went west, she went east, And they both lived.”

“Love is a Deep and a Dark and a Lonely " love is a deep and a dark and a lonely and you take it deep take it dark and take it with a lonely winding and when the winding gets too lonely then may come the windflowers and the breath of wind over many flowers winding its way out of many lonely flowers waiting in rainleaf whispers waiting in dry stalks of noon wanting in a music of windbreaths so you can take love as it comes keening as it comes with a voice and a face and you make a talk of it talking to yourself a talk worth keeping and you put it away for a keen keeping and you find it to be a hoarding and you give it away and yet it stays hoarded like a book read over and over again like one book being a long row of books like leaves of windflowers bending low and bending to be never broken”

“like a book read over and over again like one book being a long row of books like leaves and windflowers bending low and bending to be never broken”

“There are hungers for a nameless bread out of the dust of the hard earth, out of the blaze of the calm sun.”

“The wind carves sand into shapes Endless the fresh designs, Wind and ice patient beyond telling. Ice can tip mountains over, Ice the giant beyond measure. And the sun governs valley lights, Transforms hats into shoes and back again Before we are through any long looking.”

“The sun touches them off with shot gold of an evening, with a mother’s grey eyes singing to her children.”

“The keepers of wisdom testify a heap of ashes means whatever was there went out burning.”

“Speak to the branches of spring and the surprise of blossoms: they too hope for a good year.”

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Book Keywords:

life, happiness, wisdom

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