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One Week Girlfriend

Monica Murphy

Top 10 Best Quotes

“But this girl...she doesn’t feel pointless. She’s real and she’s beautiful and she fits perfectly when she’s in my arms. She makes me want to feel.”

“There’s no going back,” he whispers … “Once I am inside you, you’re mine.”… “I want to be yours,” I answer in a breathy whisper. “I want to belong to you, Drew. Only you.”

“It’s the people who know you the best who can hurt you the most.”

“This isn’t a game to me, Fable. This is my life. And I want you to be a part of it … I want you and you only. I’m not sharing you with anyone else.”

“I shut myself off to make life bearable. I'm like a damn machine sometimes. Unfeeling. Uncaring. Emotionless.”

“I’m too caught up in this…pretend life I’m so completely submersed in. And you know what? I like it. I love it. Even though I know deep down inside, it’s fake. That the way you talk to me, look at me, touch me. Kiss me…is all for show. I’m some sort of protection for you but I don’t care. I want it. I want you.”

“I want to map every inch of her skin with my mouth. I want to sit with her in my arms and kiss her for hours, until our lips are swollen and our jaws are tired. I want to know what she looks like when she comes. And I want to be the one who makes her come with my name falling from her lips.”

“I always want him. Always. It’s always like this between us, too. We come together and we simply…combust. So easily. Beautifully. Does he even know how he affects me? Does he realize how my heart now rests in his hands? I belong to him completely”

“She's a contradiction and I want to figure her out”

“I really need to break him of the bad language habit he’s developing at a rapid pace, but who am I to talk? I curse all the fucking time.”

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Book Keywords:

drew-callahan, drew, new-adult, love, romance, new-adult-romance

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