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Openly Straight

Bill Konigsberg

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It’s hard to be different,” Scarborough said. “And perhaps the best answer is not to tolerate differences, not even to accept them. But to celebrate them. Maybe then those who are different would feel more loved, and less, well, tolerated.”

“The world needs people who are more comfortable standing still. We keep the earth on it axis when everybody else is bouncing around.”

“The hole in my heart, I can’t even begin to describe. It’s hard when you open your heart and let someone in and then suddenly they’re not in it anymore. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is; that empty spot stings so bad that you want to find any kind of relief, or wrap yourself up so tight you can’t feel it anymore. I knew it might be there a little while. Or maybe even a long while. For both of us.”

“You can be anything you want, but when you go against who you are inside, it doesn’t feel good.”

“Guilt is about something you do. Shame is about who you are.”

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.”

“Straight people have it so much easier. They don’t understand. They can’t. There’s no such thing as openly straight.”

“We were dancers and drummers and standers and jugglers, and there was nothing anyone needed to accept or tolerate. We celebrated.”

“Do you know how you get the urge to clean your room, and it’s no big deal? But when your mom tells you that you have to clean your room, you don't want to? That's me, anyway.”

“Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where no one thought being gay was even something to ride someone about?”

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Book Keywords:

differences, diversity, tolerance, inspirational-attitude, choice, chores, acceptance, clean, heartbreak

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