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Lily and the Octopus

Steven Rowley

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It's natural, as our loved ones age, to start grieving their loss. Even before we lose them.”

“To focus, I think of how dogs are witnesses. How they are present for our most private moments, how they are there when we think of ourselves as alone. They witness our quarrels, our tears, our struggles, our fears, and all of our secret behaviors that we have to hide from our fellow humans. They witness without judgment.”

“A heart is judged not by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.”

“Someone once said give a dog food and shelter and treats and they think you are a god, but give a cat the same and they think they are the god.”

“Because dogs live in the present. Because dogs don’t hold grudges. Because dogs let go of all of their anger daily, hourly, and never let it fester. They absolve and forgive with each passing minute. Every turn of a corner is the opportunity for a clean slate. Every bounce of a ball brings joy and the promise of a fresh chase.”

“If you spend your entire life trying to cheat death, there's no time left over to embrace life.”

“The very best thing about dogs is how they just know when you need them most, and they’ll drop everything that they’re doing to sit with you awhile. I”

“Dogs are always good and full of selfless love. They are undiluted vessels of joy who never, ever deserve anything bad that happens to them.”

“Most of all, I am thankful for Lily, who, since she entered my life, has taught me everything I know about patience and kindness and meeting adversity with quiet dignity and grace. No one makes me laugh harder, or want to hug them tighter. You have truly lived up to the promise of man’s best friend.”

“I have to be better about living in the not knowing.”

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Book Keywords:

grief, loss, inspirational-quotes, aging

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