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We All Looked Up

Tommy Wallach

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The best books, they don't talk about things you never thought about before. They talk about things you'd always thought about, but that you didn't think anyone else had thought about. You read them, and suddenly you're a little bit less alone in the world. You're part of this cosmic community of people who've thought about this thing, whatever it happens to be.”

“You didn’t win the game of life by losing the least. That would be one of those—what were they called again?—Pyrrhic victories. Real winning was having the most to lose, even if it meant you might lose it all. Even though it meant you would lose it all, sooner or later.”

“Those who have much to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.”

“Why had he assumed time was some sort of infinite resource? Now the hourglass had busted open, and what he’d always assumed was just a bunch of sand turned out to be a million tiny diamonds.”

“You don’t wanna go out of this world with regrets. If there’s some- thing you want to do, you do it. You take this life by the balls and you tell it that you existed.”

“Do you think it is better to fail at something worthwhile, or succeed at something meaningless”

“the fundamental rule of life: Things were never so bad that they couldn’t get worse.”

“Beauty always made a target of its possessor. Every other human quality was hidden easily enough – intelligence, talent, selfishness, even madness – but beauty would not be concealed.”

“Red Rover, Red Rover, send Ardor right over," Eliza said. They laughed. The asteroid was a little bigger now, brighter, and still they went on laughing. Laughing in the face of what they couldn't predict or change or control. Would it be fire and brimstone? Would it be Armageddon? Or would it be a second chance? Eliza held tight to her friends, laughing, and a pair of hands land soft as feathers on her shoulders, like the hands of a ghost, laughing and laughing as Ardor swept along its fated course, laughing and through that laughter, praying. Praying for forgiveness. Praying for grace. Praying for mercy. 0”

“She was miserable because she kept hoping things would change. If she could eradicate the hope, she could eradicate the sadness.”

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Book Keywords:

inspirational-quote, time, thought-provoking, women, inspirational, beauty, sad-quote

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