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The Immortals of Meluha

Amish Tripathi

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Whether a man is a legend or not is decided by history, not fortune tellers.”

“A person's ethics and character are not tested in good times. It is only in bad times that a person shows how steadfast he is to his dharma.”

“A man becomes a Mahadev, only when he fights for good. A Mahadev is not born from his mother's womb. He is forged in the heat of battle, when he wages a war to destroy evil. Har Har Mahadev - All of us are Mahadev.”

“I don't believe in symbolic gods.I believe that god exists all around us.In the flow of the river,in the rustle of the trees,in the whisper of the winds. He speaks to us all the time.all we need to do is listen.”

“his burden didn't feel any lighter. but he felt strong enough to carry it”

“Hate is not the opposite of Love. It is apathy.”

“There are many realities. There are many versions of what may appear obvious. Whatever appears as the unshakeable truth, its exact opposite may also be true in another context. After all, one's reality is but perception, viewed through various prisms of context.”

“If you want to know the strength of a cloth, you inspect the quality of its weave. If you want to understand a person’s character, look closely at their interpersonal behaviour or their transactions.”

“Don't turn blue all over now.”

“the most powerful force in a woman’s life is the need to be appreciated, loved and cherished for what she is.”

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Book Keywords:

inspirational-ins, perception, reality, shiva, attitude, humour, truth, inspirational, brahaspati

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