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The Lost Apothecary

Sarah Penner

Top 10 Best Quotes

“First, there was trust. Then, there was betrayal. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot be betrayed by someone you do not trust ... what you have learned is the same heart-wrenching journey of every woman to whom I have sold a poison. And it is, indeed, the same path for me.”

“if you want something different, the only person holding you back is you. What is it you love to do?”

“First, there was trust. Then, there was betrayal. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot be betrayed by someone you do not trust.”

“It's okay to change," I interrupted, "but it's not okay to hide, to bury parts of ourselves.”

“To me, the allure of history lay in the minutiae of life long ago, the untold secrets of ordinary people.”

“Intermingled in the mess was another, subtler secret ... we were happy, yet unfulfilled. It was possible, I understood now, to be both at the same time.”

“Healing by way of vengeance ... no such thing existed; it never had. Hurting others had only injured me further.”

“History doesn’t record the intricacies of women’s relationships with one another; they’re not to be uncovered.”

“... not everything in my life was how I imagined it would be, and that I hadn't lived up to my own potential. And worst of all, I'd been too scared to even try.”

“that the hardest truths never rest on the surface. They must be dredged up, held to the light and rinsed clean.”

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Book Keywords:

trust, unfulfilled, happy, fear, healing, life, disappointment, marriage, potential, betray, vengeance, betrayal

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