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Alexander Gordon Smith
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Don't make the mistake of bringing your heart down here with you, there is no place for it in Furnace.”
“When you're locked up in here for life, you learn to welcome the little freedoms.”
“You don't have friends in here, you'll soon come to understand that. You get attached to someone, then you'll just lose them. They'll get shanked or they'll jump or they'll be taken one night.”
“Nobody cares. You shouldn't either.”
“There always has to be someone to take the punches. That's how it works. It isn't fair, it isn't right, but that kid licking slop off the floor over there means that we get to eat in peace.”
“I'd been so set on an escape that was now impossible, and the only form of freedom left to me was death. It was a terrible kind of freedom—one from misery and pain, yes, but also one from lightness and laughter and life. It was an absence of everything.”
“This place is full of unwritten rules.”
“Trust me-that toilet and me were best friends for the first few days I was here.”
“Only another twenty thousand or so days of this to go.”
“Let me know if you're going to do something stupid, kid, 'cause I'll ditch you like that.”
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Book Keywords:
humor, death, life, inspirational