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The Wizard of London

Mercedes Lackey

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Not forgiving someone hurts you worse than it hurts him...even if he doesn't deserve to be forgiven...Not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren't the one who put it there.”

“Not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren't the one to put it there.”

“...not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren't the one that put it there.”

“When you want something done, you ask a man. When you want it done quietly and without any fuss, you ask a woman.”

“Ree-" Grey barked into the icy silence. "Lax!" The word spat so unexpectedly into her ear had precisely the effect Grey must have intended. It shocked Nan for a split second into a state of not-thinking, just being- Suddenly, all in an instant she and Neville were one.”

“Mummy says not forgiving someone hurts you worse than it hurts him,” the child persisted. “Even if he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven. She says not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren’t the one that put it there.”

“How to forgive when you really didn’t want to? Convince yourself that you do, of course.”

“For Sarah, at least, the nightmares had vanished like morning fog, and now she felt sorry for the others, who were not being sent to the Harton School, even though some of them had looked down their noses at her because she wasn’t being sent to a “first-class academy.”

“Dedicated to Elizabeth R. Wollheim. Just ’cause.”

“Begin at the beginning, go on until you reach the end, then stop.” And the beginning was forgiveness.”

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Book Keywords:

stress, inspirational-attitude, men-vs-women, meditation, humorous

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