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An Inside Job: A Psychologist Shares Healing Wisdom for Your Cancer Journey

Susan Barbara Apollon

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It’s important to cultivate friendships. Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, as a human you are a social being. For the sake of your mental and emotional health, it’s important to be honest about and honor your need for meaningful connections.”

“Give yourself permission to stop existing and start growing. We all need more than work for self-actualization. Remember that interests and hobbies aren’t frivolous; they’re necessary for fulfillment and health.”

“Your health, your experiences, and your life do not have to be at the mercy of your negative emotions. When you consciously choose to focus on a thought or belief that is positive, comforting, or hopeful, you’re clearing out that emotional clutter that’s weighing you down. You’re energetically shifting yourself to a better place.”

“You have the power to feel good—or not—just by being conscious of what you choose to think. Choose to focus on hope and healing.”

“One of the best things about gratitude is that it serves both you and the one to whom you are giving thanks. When you share your feelings of being blessed and grateful, not only do you vibrate at higher level, but your expression contributes to an increase in the energy of those around you, and especially serves the individual to whom you have expressed your thanks. The result is that you raise the level of universal well-being by choosing to focus with gratitude on your blessings.”

“In order to create a balanced life that excites you and that allows enough time for healthy habits to flourish, you must love yourself. Even then, it probably won’t be realistic to make one big, drastic sweeping change—especially since overcoming cancer will necessarily be occupying much of your energy. That’s fine; baby steps are a lot better than nothing. As long as you’re working toward a better life you’re on the right path.”

“Each person’s journey is different. If something—anything—does not feel right to you, then you alone get to decide whether you will honor it or not. The choice of how to respond to your situation is yours—and will always be yours.”

“Because you are an energetic being and your thoughts and feelings are energy, your journey may be compared to an intricately woven fabric. As the weaver of the fabric of your life, you alone decide whether your life will be beautifully intertwined with threads of gold and silver and blended with the colors of the rainbow, or made with strands of straw and cotton in shades of grays, browns, and other dark, heavy colors.”

“Your life is shaped by the thoughts and experiences you choose—and make no mistake, the decision is always yours. I promise, when you learn to be conscious and in control of what you are focusing on, you can begin to create high vibrational experiences, which will transform and heal your life.”

“Your happiness—and your healing—are a function of how you choose to respond on the inside to that which is taking place on the outside.”

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Book Keywords:

body-mind-spirit, health-and-wellness, cancer-journey, self-love, spiritual-growth, self-healing, healing-insights

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