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Philip Roth

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You be greater than your feelings. I don't demand this of you - life does. Otherwise you'll be washed away by feelings. You'll be washed out to sea and never seen again.”

“other people's weakness can destroy you just as much as their strength can. Weak people are not harmless. Their weakness can be their strength.”

“Of a terrible, the incomprehensible way one's most banal, incidental, even comical choices archive the most disproportionate result.”

“It was my job not just to pluck the chickens but to eviscerate them. I hated that part. Nauseating and disgusting, but it had to be done. That's what I learned from my father and what I loved learning from him: that you do what you have to do.”

“Is that what eternity is for, to muck over a lifetime's minutiae? Who could have imagined that one would have forever to remember each moment of life down to its tiniest component?”

“It’s about life, where the tiniest misstep can have tragic consequences.” “Oh,”

“That’s what I learned from my father and what I loved learning from him: that you do what you have to do.”

“what his uneducated father had been trying so hard to teach him all along: of the terrible, the incomprehensible way one’s most banal, incidental, even comical choices achieve the most disproportionate result.”

“I wouldn’t so much as stick my head in a pool hall. Oh, look, this is as far as I go explaining what I am and am not like. I will not explain myself one more time. I will not make an inventory of my attributes for people or mention my goddamn sense of duty. I will not take one more round of his ridiculous, nonsensical crap!” Whereupon,”

“other people’s weakness can destroy you just as much as their strength can. Weak people are not harmless. Their weakness can be their strength. A”

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Book Keywords:

indignazione-indignation, memory, weakness

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