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Serpent & Dove

Shelby Mahurin

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I loved her. Despite everything. Despite the lies, the betrayal, the hurt. Despite the Archbishop and Morgane le Blanc. Despite my own brothers. I don't know if she returned that love, and I didn't care. If she was destined to burn in Hell, I would burn with her.”

“I was no one's sacrifice. Not then. Not now. Not ever.”

“There are some things that can't be changed with words. Some things have to be seen. They have to be felt.”

“Why the fuck is everyone in this kingdom trying to murder my wife?”

“Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from you.’” He trailed his fingers down my arm in slow, torturous strokes. My head fell back on his shoulder, my eyes fluttering closed, as his lips continued to move against my neck. “‘Where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay.”

“Love makes fools of us all, darling.”

“Our lives reflect our hearts.”

“Death couldn't take him away from me. He was me. Our souls were bound.”

“Maybe men can learn a thing or two from women.”

“Such a love was not something of just the heart and mind. It wasn't something to be felt and eventually forgotten, to be touched without it in return touching you. No . . . this love was something else. Something irrevocable. It was something of the soul.”

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