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The Sound of Stars

Alechia Dow

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Until I became a librarian, I didn't know I was a rebel.”

“Music and books, they transport you. They make you feel in ways you didn’t know you could.”

“life’s short, but it’s the longest thing you’ll ever do, so give more than you take and be kind.”

“A book can change someone’s world.”

“Fear makes folks restless enough to risk their lives.”

“The is a dark place, and bad things happen that we can’t control. People we love can disappoint us, hurt us and finding forgiveness is hard... but music is there. If it disappoints you, all you have to do is change the track.”

“Cast aside your fear and fight for your future. Fight for freedom.”

“But freedom might be better than survival.”

“The world is a dark place, and bad things happen that we can’t control. People we love can disappoint us, hurt us and finding forgiveness is hard... but music is there. If it disappoints you, all you have to do is change the track.”

“I'll do it, every time, if it means a story can change someone's outlook...”

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Book Keywords:

lessons-in-reading, music-lovers, depression, bookish, freedom, empathy, self-care, ya, bibliophiles, books, young-adult, future, self-soothing, teen, fear, music, library, courage, librarians, book-nerds, book-quote

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