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Ana J. Awakens

Stacie Hammond

Top 10 Best Quotes

“The great thing about falling apart, is that you get to decide how to put yourself back together. Make good choices.”

“I like to think of books as lovers; you have to introduce yourself slowly to them, read them one page at a time. Notice them, appreciate them. Respect what they're trying to tell you, let their words caress you, then sink into you, and finally, become a part of you.”

“Teachers and leaders and storytellers and healers will grow from the earth like blessed flowers, blossoming outward with Divine guidance, to lead the rest.”

“Things will come up to challenge you, to make you doubt yourself, constantly. You have to have that inner strength, that resolve. Faith. You have to trust it. Or you will keep falling back into old patterns, giving into fears, anxiety, what other people think.”

“I've really learned to appreciate the magic of challenging yourself. Seeing yourself somewhere new. There's a whole world out there.”

“I knew in that moment that I was full of it. I didn't know who I was. I only knew my routine. I knew who I was suppose to be, who I was expected to be.”

“His words started to wedge their way into me, and they would stay for a long time; twisting me up, and causing me to look at life in a whole new way.”

“Falling apart can be a good thing." - Ana J. Awakens”

“Everything can turn around in a moment, if you just change your thoughts, and make different decisions. Listen to your heart.”

“And then he was gone. Leaving nothing but the swish of the front door, and a mountain of possibilities in his wake.”

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Book Keywords:

trust, evolved-consciousness, blossom, brilliant, words, challenges-quotes, life-lessons, motivation, journey, quotes-to-live-by, relationship, lovers, faith-quotes, romance-novel-books, women-quotes, decision-quotes, challenge, self-awareness, romance, teachers-and-learners, women-empowerment, books, darkness-and-light, inspiration, guidance-quotes, wonder, perspective-on-life, change-your-life, breakup-quotes, transformation, book-lovers, life, book-quotes, relationships-quotes, quotes-about-life, purpose, wisdom-quotes, world, inspirational-quotes, mindfulness, thoughts-on-life, prophecy-in-fiction, reflection, transformation-spirituality, relationships, magic

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