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Helen Keller

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and darkness lay on the face of all things... But a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.”

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”

“Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and darkness lay on the face of all things. Then love came and set my soul free.”

“T he test of all beliefs is their practical effect in life.”

“I distrust the rash optimism in this country that cries, “Hurrah, we’re all right! This is the greatest nation on earth,” when there are grievances that call loudly for redress.”

“As my college days draw to a close, I find myself looking forward with beating heart and bright anticipations to what the future holds of activity for me. My share in the work of the world may be limited; but the fact that it is work makes it precious. Nay, the desire and will to work is optimism itself.”

“We have seen that the world’s philosophers—the Sayers of the Word—were optimists; so also are the men of action and achievement—the Doers of the Word.”

“Only by contact with evil could I have learned to feel by contrast the beauty of truth and love and goodness.”

“It is a mistake always to contemplate the good and ignore the evil, because by making people neglectful it lets in disaster. There is a dangerous optimism of ignorance and indifference.”

“Deep, solemn optimism, it seems to me, should spring from this firm belief in the presence of God in the individual; not a remote, unapproachable governor of the universe, but a God who is very near every one of us, who is present not only in earth, sea and sky, but also in every pure and noble impulse of our hearts, “the source and centre of all minds,”

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Book Keywords:

love, contrast, optimism, hope, truth, ignorance, darkness, indifference, beauty, good, evil

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