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Drew Barrymore

Top 10 Best Quotes

“It's ironic that we rush through being "single" as if it's some disease or malady to get rid of or overcome. The truth is, most likely, one day you will meet someone and it will be gone. And once it's gone, it's really gone! Why does no one tell us how important it is to enjoy being single and being by yourself? That time is defining and amazing and nothing to "sure". It is being alone that will actually set you up the best for being with someone else.”

“I love my life and it takes every step to get to where you are, and if you are happy, then God bless the hard times it took you to get there. No life is without them, so what are yours, and what did you do with the lessons? That is the only way to live.”

“My lesson here was you do not give up. You hold yourself accountable. You stay grateful. You hold on tight to your friends.”

“You can be a warrior and be full of grace and class.”

“Be Aunthentic. Be yourself. And most important of all..make it personal”

“I was so struck by the magnificent beauty of the sunset, I sat there, quiet. The silence allowed me to ask myself: What if I did get the chance at life all over again? What would I do differently? What would I keep and what would I leave??? My older self was welcoming my younger self into an early womanhood.”

“Love is the one uniting, relatable thing in everyone's life. It's what we all want and struggle with and fight for.”

“And this filmmaker has the most extraordinary epiphany! He realizes that there is as much merit in trying to ease people’s suffering for a moment as there is in “focusing” on it. To ease someone’s pain through a distracting, silly, joyous laugh is his lesson. I know there is suffering, so to escape it for a second is truly powerful. That is one church I am staying loyal to. The Church of Laughing.”

“We may not be able to do them all, but it is a safe place to dream. And sometimes, if you really work hard enough, dreams come true.”

“We work long hours, but we are laughing most of the time, and that’s where my other valuable lesson came from: to feel blessed and recognize that working with people you like will make you want to work more! Everyone wears many hats and we all like to do many different things at our company. We all dream stuff up, but more important, we find ways to make it a reality.”

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Book Keywords:

warrior-women, inspirational-attitude

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