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The Alchemy of Forever

Avery Williams

Top 10 Best Quotes

“People are always looking for magic, when the natural world holds true miracles”

“That's fine. You decide to live one moment at a time. When it's time to die, really time, you will know." -Seraphina/ Kailey”

“Time. To an incarnate, it's nothing, it's insignificant. But when you have people who care about you, who you're excited about, each day becomes significant.”

“Why ever long for something from the past when the future brings things that are so much better?" -Cyrus”

“Two years away. To an Incarnate, it's nothing. But when you have people who care about you, who you're excited about, each day becomes significant.”

“My many years of living have not made the actions of teenage boys any less enigmatic.”

“Everything- even me, and one day even Charlotte- must come to end.”

“Cyrus is quiet for a momenr. "But-" he beginds, then falls silent. It's the first crack I've seen in his composure. "But," he tries again, "she's special. To me." His words make me feel light, like ash floating away from a fire. Johann begins to laugh, bitterly, mirthlessly. "Don't tell me you love her," he spits. "You don't even know her. That's the most irrational thing I've ever heard. And no love can survive immortality." The room is quiet, filled only with the crackling of the fire, and suddenly I don't want to hear Cyrus's answer. What if he doesn't love me? What am I without him by my side? Some strange creature that no one believes exists, some freak of nature, some threat to the reassuring rhythms of normal life. Finally, Cyrus speaks. "All I know is that I'm drawn to her. You always told me there's no such thing as destiny, and I believed you. I still do. But she makes me wonder. I fI could love anyone forever, it would be her. When I'm with her, I feel complete.”

“Why ever long for something from the past when the future brings things that are so much better?”

“Fear indicates a desire to live”

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Book Keywords:

miracles, teenage-boys, world, humor, incarnation, past, alchemy-of-forever, inspirational, time, love, death, future, life, suicide-attempt, incarnate, quotes-to-live-by, forever, alchemy, magic

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