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The Guest List

Lucy Foley

Top 10 Best Quotes

“In my experience, those who have the greatest respect for the rules also take the most enjoyment in breaking them.”

“And I'm not worried about it being haunted. I have my own ghosts. I carry them with me wherever I go.”

“But no matter what happens, life is only a series of days. You can’t control more than a single day.”

“Marriage is about finding that person you know best in the world. Not how they take their coffee or what their favourite film is or the name of their first cat. It's knowing on a deeper level. It's knowing their soul.”

“But that’s nostalgia for you, the tyranny of those memories of childhood that feel so golden, so perfect.”

“Just because the rest of us don’t wear our hearts on our sleeves, just because we have found a way of managing our feelings – it doesn’t mean they’re not there.”

“The rage is growing inside me, overtaking the shock and grief. I can feel it blossoming up behind my ribs. It’s almost a relief, how it obliterates every other feeling in its path.”

“It's always better to get it out in the open - even if it seems shameful, even if you feel like people won't understand.”

“When he broke up with me, he told me that he would love me forever. But that’s total crap. If you love someone, really, you don’t do anything to hurt them.”

“Nowhere on earth could possibly live up to those halcyon days. But that’s nostalgia for you, the tyranny of those memories of childhood that feel so golden, so perfect.”

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