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The Alien

Anoir Ou-chad

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Sadness is beautiful. It makes us warm and tender. In those moments of vulnerability, we’re humble, and transparent. We connect with our being. We experience self-compassion in its entirety.”

“Don’t be afraid to shine.Be the moon in the dark cold sky, and let your inner radiance be your main force.”

“When you miss your loved one, remember the beautiful moments you shared. And when your heart swells, cuddle your pillow and let tears soothe the pain.”

“There will be times when people will breach the boundaries of your heart. When it happens, seek inner forgiveness to unburden your soul from resentment. Look back, Each person that came into your life served a purpose.”

“Love cannot be sought. It cannot be forced. It is a seed released from the heart, then carried along by wind, lands in another heart and germinates. It’s accidental.”

“If you measure your happiness by the absence of problems, you will then condemn your soul to a life of resentment and anger.”

“Hurtful words lacerate the heart. Although it may heal over time, scars will never completely disappear.”

“Don't confuse excitement with happiness. The former is feverish and combustible.The latter is serene and long-lasting.”

“Do something worthwhile. Something that would last after you’re gone. Be like a leaf, during spring and summer, it provides light to the tree. And in the fall, it tumbles, carried by the river, to fulfill another sublime role.”

“When someone is mourning, there is absolutely nothing you could say to alleviate their pain. Just sit with them, hold their hands, and be present and compassionate.”

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Book Keywords:

moonlight, death, wise-words, loneliness, grief-inspirational, life-lessons, tears-quotes, pass-away, condolence, die, sage-advice, love-quotes, worthwhile, germinate, compassion, love-quotations, excitement, loss, empathy, happiness-advice, sadquotes, pain, soul-searching, spouse, shine, serene, hurtful-love, transparent, sadness-loneliness, breach-of-promise, wind, poetry-love, radiance, shine-your-light, cheating, anger, condemn, cheating-in-relationships, happiness, love-quotes-and-sayings, vulnerability-quotes, hurtful-words, sadness, don-t-be-afraid, grief-and-loss, resentment, wisdom, grief-support, sympathy-quotes, hurt-feelings, leaf, heart, hurt, wisdom-quotes, condole, mourning, hurting-heart, relationships, self-esteem, problems, tender, self-worth

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