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Cara Bastone

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Everyone's relationships are weird if you look closely enough at them. I have a theory that if your relationship with someone isn't weird, you don't know them well enough yet.”

“This is why I don’t normally talk to strangers. Stranger danger is real. But it’s me. I’m the danger…to myself>.”

“Young people. I hate to break it to you, but literally nothing is complicated for young people. You just think it is.”

“You're only boring if you think you're boring.”

“You can change your lifestyle and it doesn't have to change who you are.”

“I would argue that dying your hair an unflattering shade of red is actually a really healthy and productive way to get over a breakup. Maybe even a rite of passage.”

“Here's the thing about a crush. There is a lot of different kinds. Some of them are happy to pleasantly pluck away at a harp or an acoustic guitar in the corner of your mind. Some of them tap at the mic and ask for center stage. And some of them... some of them fly-tackle you and shove snow down your pants.”

“Yes, most of my closest people are all abroad.” “Do you stay in touch with them?” “Some of them I stay in really good touch — email and group chats and whatnot. Some of them I don’t stay in touch with at all but when I’m in their city they make time for me and it’s almost like I never left.”

“This is why I don’t normally talk to strangers. Stranger danger is real. But it’s me. I’m the danger…to myself.”

“Simona, love? Bring out some cookies and something to drink, please. I’ve just said rude things and I need to make amends.”

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Book Keywords:

love-lines, seatmate, cara-bastone, relationships

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