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West with Giraffes
Lynda Rutledge
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. —Anatole France, Nobel Laureate, 1921”
“It is a foolish man who thinks stories do not matter—when in the end, they may be all that matter and all the forever we’ll ever know.”
“It’s a strange thing how you can spend years with some folks and never know them, yet, with others, you only need a handful of days to know them far beyond years.”
“Home’s not the place you’re from, Woody. Home’s the place you want to be.”
“In a long life, there is a singular moment when you know you’ve made more memories than any new ones you’ll ever make. That’s the moment your truest stories—the ones that made you the you that you became—are ever more in the front of your mind, as you begin to reach back for the you that you deemed best.”
“Time heals all wounds they say. I'm here to tell you that time can wound you all on its own.”
“The land you grow up in is a forever thing, remembered when all else is forgotten, whether it did you right or did you wrong.”
“In a long life, there is a singular moment when you know you’ve made more memories than any new ones you’ll ever make.”
“Animals can tear your heart out. They can maim you. They can kill you dead on instinct alone and saunter into the next minute like it was nothing. But at least you know the ground rules with animals. You can count the cost of breaking the rules. You never know with people. Even the good can hurt you bad, and the bad, well, they’re going to hurt you but good.”
“People look at you peculiar if you talk about the feeling you got for animals, saying animals have no souls, no sense of good or bad, no value up next to humans," he said. "I don't know about that. Sometimes I think animals are the ones who should be saying such things about us." He shook his head. "Animals can tear your heart out. They can maim you. They can kill you dead on instinct alone and saunter into the next minute like it was nothing. But at least you know the ground rules with animals. You can count the cost of breaking the rules. You never know with people. Even the good can hurt you bad, and the bad, well, they're going to hurt you but good." He dropped his arm from the window to rub his gnarled hand. "It's why I keep choosing animals. Even if it kills me. One day, it probably will.”
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Book Keywords:
people, human-nature, animals, animals-love