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Goodbye Days

Jeff Zentner

Top 10 Best Quotes

“For the most part, you don't hold the people you love in your heart because they rescued you from drowning or pulled you from a burning house. Mostly you hold them in your heart because they save you, in a million quiet and perfect ways, from being alone.”

“I sometimes look at my bookshelf now and think about how someday I'm going to die without ever reading a lot of the books there. And one might be life-changingly good and I'll never know.”

“Funny how people move through this world leaving little pieces of their story with the people they meet, for them to carry. Makes you wonder what'd happen if all those people put their puzzle pieces together.”

“Sometimes, though, you want to remember every minute you spent with someone. You want to remember even the most mundane moments. You wish you had inhabited them more completely, and marked them with yourself more indelibly - not in spite of their ordinariness, but because of it. But you only discover this when it's too late”

“Our memories of our loved ones are the pearl we form around the grain of grief that causes us pain.”

“There comes a point when you realize that you can never make someone like you, or even stop hating you, and the only defense you have left is the ultimate one--not giving a shit anymore.”

“Grief is weird. It seems to come in these waves out of nowhere. One minute I'm standing in the ocean, fine. The next minute I'm drowning.”

“Be honest. Be humble. Listen more than you talk.”

“Funny how people move through this world leaving little pieces of their story with the people they meet, for them to carry.”

“I think if what you'd do for your last day on Earth doesn't look like a pretty normal day for you, you probably need to reexamine your life.”

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Book Keywords:

life-advice, life-and-death, goodbye-days, grief

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